What is a Secure Access Code (SAC)? |
A Secure Access Code (SAC) is a unique, single-use 6-digit code that protects against fraud by safeguarding your online transactions and sensitive information. A SAC is another level of authentication in addition to your Login ID and password, providing you stronger online security. |
How will my SAC be sent to me? |
You choose how you want to receive your SAC: by text or phone. We need your current contact information for you to receive your SAC. |
Do I have to enter a SAC every time I log in or conduct an online transaction? |
No, you may have the option to “register” your computer or device upon log-in to the new system. Once your computer or device is registered, you will skip the SAC requirement when you log in again. For maximum security, we recommend keeping the SAC requirement. |
I'm enrolled in Online Banking. Can I use my Online Banking Log in credentials for Mobile Banking? |
Yes. Online and Mobile Banking is one seamless user experience utilizing a single User ID and Password. |
How do I access Mobile Banking? |
Mobile Banking is available to everyone. Simply download the Saint Louis Bank mobile app and follow the on-screen prompts. |
Is Mobile Banking secure? |
Yes, our Mobile Banking service utilizes best-practice security services such as HTTPS, TLS encryption, password access, biometrics, and application time-out when not in use. Only the phones that you enroll can access your bank accounts and no account data is ever stored on your phone. |
How do I access Mobile Banking on my mobile phone's browser? |
After successful enrollment in mobile banking, your phone will receive a text message with your Mobile Banking URL. |
Can I still use Mobile Deposits? |
Yes. The mobile app allows you to make mobile deposits by taking photos of the front and back of the check. Once you have the image lined up in the viewer, click the camera icon in the upper right corner to take the photo. |
Can I access Bill Pay through Mobile Banking? |
Yes. You will have the ability to send payments from your mobile device. |
Is your Mobile Banking app supported on my mobile phone? |
Our Mobile Banking is supported on most iPhone®, iPad®, and Android devices. You can also access our Online Banking by using a mobile web browser like Safari, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge. |
What are the password requirements? |
Passwords for Online and Mobile Banking require the following: At least 1 lower case At least 1 upper case At least 1 number At least 1 special character A minimum of 10 characters and a maximum of 50 characters |
How do I change my password? |
Log in to Online Banking. Select Security Preferences under the Services menu. Select Change Password. Enter your old password, create a new password, and confirm your new password following the onscreen password criteria. If you have forgotten your password, click "Forgot your password?" on the login screen and follow the steps. |
Can I change my login name? |
Yes, once you have successfully logged into the online banking system for the first time, you can update your preferred contacts via the Settings > Security Preferences menu. Under this menu, you can change your login name, and password or set up additional Security Access methods. |
How do I update my contact information? |
You can update your contact information in Online Banking. Log in and select the Services tab to view and edit your contact information including mobile phone number and email address. For assistance, you can also contact us during business hours at (314) 851-6200. |
Are there minimum browser requirements for the new Online Banking system? |
Yes. You will need to use a recent version (last 2 released) of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or the last version of Microsoft Edge. |
Who do I contact if I have issues or questions? |
For questions, please contact us at (314) 851-6200 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT Monday through Friday. |
Can I receive alerts? |
Yes, alerts can be set up in online banking. Account, Date, History, Insufficient Funds and Transaction alerts can be established. Alerts can be delivered via the online banking system’s secure mailbox, or via email, phone, or text. Dual authorization via alerts is available to ensure transactions receive the proper approvals. |
Can I delete and add users to the system? |
If your online banking profile is set up to add users, you will be able to do so. Our Customer Service team (314) 851-6200 is happy to help with this task. |
How many users may I add to my company? |
You may add as many users as you need to cover all the roles you have assigned to your organization. |
Can dual control be enabled for Wires or ACH origination? |
Yes, you can set this up yourself or our Customer Service team (314) 851-6200 is happy to help with this task. |
Can I create an ACH origination or Wire template? |
Click on the Business Banking section of the left navigation pane in your online banking. If your company is enabled for these services, they will appear there. |
How may I increase my Wire or ACH origination limit? |
You can contact your Relationship Manager or Customer Service at (314) 851-6200 for either a temporary or permanent increase in your limit. We will be able to review this request quickly and may provide approval for the change. |
When is the ACH cut off time each day? |
The cut-off time is 4:00 p.m. CT daily, excluding weekends. |
When is the wire transfer cut-off time each day? |
The cut-off time for Domestic Wires is 4:00 p.m. CT daily, excluding weekends. The cut-off time for International Wires is 1:00 p.m. CT daily, excluding weekends.